Tales of Soldier Chapter 0

 He has always been ambitious, hoping to become the Army Marshal that united the universe. In his mind, in order to become the Army Marshal, he first need to become General, and way before that, a soldier.



This is a translated novel (小兵传奇) from author XuanYu(玄雨),.

XuanYu wrote in a very lighthearted manner, even when he was describing something really bad, or bloody. You can see some element of Japanese animation styling embed in the way he writes about motion, and a very detail description when comes to elaborate stuff.

I tried to mimic that as much as I could, while at the same time, adding some of my own personal flare that is inspire by Gidden, a novelist cum director from Taiwan.

But I am an amateur translator with a day job and I will try my level best to bring the best translation to the reading. But as of this writing, this is my mini project and I am doing it alone. Therefore, pls do expect grammatical error and remind me from time to time where have I gone wrong.

I will try to release chapter in a bi-weekly basis. Hopefully I can keep that promise but finger crossed.


Styles of the book:

Italics – when someone was speaking in his/er mind. If you read the Dune series, you will realized there are a lot of internal dialogue, for this translation, I use italics to signal that.

Underline – reserved for names.

Bold – reserved for extreme events.

+ paragraphs + - anything between 2 plus signs signals an explanation, it helps explains the current situation and sometimes it might be long winded, since it is an explanation.

*anything – this signals a sound effect, or an action. When you read manga, you realized some Japanese word on the background, those are sound effect. I tried to mimic here, since I like to read manga too.

¯_ಠ_ಠ_/¯ - Japanese emoticon, i used it because i liked it.


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